Future of “limited duties” regulations remains unclear

CHANGES are to be made to pay arrangements for officers who are on restricted duties.

Restricted duties are to become known as “limited duties” and draft regulations are to be introduced about how injured and ill officers are deployed. However, the future of the new regulations, and even when they will be implemented, is unclear said Andy Fittes, General Secretary of the Police Federation of England and Wales, (pictured).

He said: “The concern is over officers who are currently in restricted duty roles and whether they will immediately sustain a reduction of pay or potentially be subject to dismissal.

“The definition and potential pay reduction that applies to officers unable to undertake the full range of duties of a police officer could discriminate against officers with disabilities.”

However following representations from the Staff Side of the Police Negotiating Board, ACPO and the Home Office are now carrying out a scoping exercise – although this will be a “huge undertaking”, representatives said.

Mr Fittes added: “It is not clear at this stage what the Home Office’s timetable is for laying the new

regulations or when they will be implemented but the Home Office and ACPO have now stated that forces will need to clearly define the number and type of posts that need to be filled with ‘fully deployable’ officers in order to meet operational requirements before they can make use of this new provision.

“We are currently awaiting draft regulations/proposals on this and I will keep you updated as this matter progresses.”

Neil Bowles, Chairman of South Yorkshire Police, said: “How on earth this can fit with the Equality Act is beyond me. I think the penny has finally dropped for the Home Office. They do not know how to write a regulation to fit this in without it being contrary to the Equality Act and risking discrimination of disability.”