THE Government has announced that 20 people from outside the police will be able to join it at the rank of superintendent each year, and a further 80 at inspector… read more →
PRINCE Charles led the congregation at the tenth National Police Memorial Day in Wales. The event’s patron, the Prince joined around 1,500 police officers of all ranks, politicians and families… read more →
IMMENSE danger will be posed to both police officers and the public if the idea of four lane running on sections of the M1 are given the go ahead, the… read more →
A DEMOTIVATED police service is one of the real impacts of the Government’s changes to pay and conditions, MPs have been warned. Insp Tim Mitchel – pictured left with Insp… read more →
“THE frontline of the police service is getting eroded away. And we can’t provide the service that we did five years ago.” That was the warning from Sgt David Baines,… read more →
“ALL you get for less, is less” opposition party MPs have been told by South Yorkshire Police constables in a summit at the Houses of Parliament. PC Zuleika Payne –… read more →
TWO South Yorkshire Police constables who contained and calmed a murder scene – and arrested suspects – are among hero officers from across England and Wales nominated for the upcoming… read more →
SOUTH Yorkshire Police officers are reducing the numbers of times they are using Tasers, new Government statistics show. It was used 33 times in 2009, 127 times in 2010 but… read more →
A POLICE officer who died on duty during an incident in London has been remembered as “a hard working and courageous policeman” PC Andy Duncan, from the Met, was checking… read more →
FOUR out of five police officers in North Yorkshire have described themselves as having low morale. Speaking at the Fed’s Open Meeting Mike Stubbs, secretary of North Yorkshire Joint Branch… read more →