Hero officers “put safety of public before their own”

TWO South Yorkshire Police constables who contained and calmed a murder scene – and arrested suspects – are among hero officers from across England and Wales nominated for the upcoming Police Bravery Awards.

PC Laura Davis (pictured left) and PC Emma Appleby “put the safety of the public before their own”, during the incident. Regional and overall winners will be decided at an event in central London on the evening of Thursday 17 October.

The officers calmed community tension at the scene, gained evidence from a key witness and arrested suspects following the murder in October 2011. In December 2012 a man was convicted of murder and received a minimum sentence of 30 years before being able to apply for parole.

A South Yorkshire Police spokesman said: “Both officers put the safety of the public before their own, taking immediate action based on key witness evidence and were courageous and dedicated to duty preventing further incidents of potential violence.”

All nominees will also visit 10 Downing Street during the day for a reception.

Heroic acts from this year’s 64 nominees include officers saving occupants from burning cars and buildings, dramatic river rescues and tackling armed offenders and gangs with knives, screwdrivers and guns.

A Police Federation of England and Wales spokesman said: “All nominees have made an outstanding contribution to policing, acting selflessly to protect others.”

Judges for the event included the president of ACPO, Sir Hugh Orde and Baroness Newlove of Warrington.

Steve Williams, Chairman of the Police Federation of England and Wales said: “These remarkable acts of heroism are truly humbling. They are what define the uniqueness of what we do as a police service.

“This year’s nominees are deserving of the highest praise – they are a credit to policing and the public that they serve. These awards are a way of recognising some of the most outstanding acts of bravery performed by police officers in England and Wales.”

Stephen Mann, CEO of Police Mutual, award sponsor, said; “We consider it a real honour to be the sponsors of the Police Bravery Awards.

“Every single police officer who has been nominated for an award today is a truly special individual. It is only right that we take time out to reflect on their heroism and dedication and recognise the incredibly difficult situations police officers face, in keeping the public safe.”

Last year’s overall winner was PC Alex Stypulkowski, of Hampshire Police, who managed to chase down his attacker despite being stabbed in the neck.