IF POLICE officer numbers are reduced and workloads are increased, then complaints against cops in England and Wales are going to go up. That’s the view from South Yorkshire Police… read more →
CRIME in South Yorkshire has risen by 3% in the past year, including a 70% increase in sexual offences and a 25% increase in violent crime, according to figures compiled by… read more →
VOLUNTEERS from local businesses in the northeast will be given police powers to deal with low-level crime in a move towards the privatisation of policing, one federation warned. Paul Yeomans,… read more →
POLICE chiefs have to “keep the door open” to compulsory severance even if they have no plans to use it, the Chief Constable of Hampshire Police told its Federation open… read more →
SHADOW Home Secretary Andy Burnham has dropped Labour’s pledge to scrap Police and Crime Commissioners and also rejected outright opposition to further cuts in police spending. Mr Burnham said that… read more →
THIS month was the Conservative Party conference in Manchester. You probably saw the scenes of angry folk who have been systematically abused by this Government gathering together outside the conference centre…… read more →
SCOTLAND’S First Minister Nicola Sturgeon hailed the “incredible bravery” of officers as she opened this year’s National Police Memorial Day in Edinburgh. Ms Sturgeon was among 1,200 police officers of… read more →
POLICE officers put their lives on the line to keep the public safe, the Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police has said. Speaking at the 12th annual National Police Memorial Day… read more →
A SOUTH Yorkshire Police officer credited with helping a number of trekkers to safety from blizzards and avalanches in Nepal has been nominated for a National Police Bravery Award. Sgt… read more →
POLICE and crime commissioners across England and Wales fear that police officer numbers will fall below 100,000 by 2019/20 and that criminals will feel safer as a result. In a submission ahead… read more →