Labour plans to keep PCCs but pledges to fight cuts

SHADOW Home Secretary Andy Burnham has dropped Labour’s pledge to scrap Police and Crime Commissioners and also rejected outright opposition to further cuts in police spending.

Mr Burnham said that it is possible to “protect most what we’ve got” with cuts of 5% to 10% in police budgets, but beyond that he will warn that public safety will be put at risk.

Speaking at a policing fringe event during the Labour Party Conference in Brighton, he said that it is perfectly possible to make further savings in police spending up to 10%.

The government, which has already cut police budgets by 20% in the past five years, is currently examining options for further savings of between 25% and 40% to be announced in November.

During his speech to the conference, Mr Burnham announced that Labour’s pledge to scrap elected police and crime commissioners would now be dropped.

Mr Burnham told conference delegates: “There’s a battle that we need to fight – for the safety of our communities.

“Right now, George Osborne is sharpening his knife. He is preparing an ideological spending review that will cut public services hard, but particularly the police: 12,000 frontline police officers have already gone and crime is starting to rise.

“Osborne wants to cut the police by at least 25% and even more in Labour areas. It will change the very nature of our police service.

“Neighbourhood policing and police community support officers will be a thing of the past. Crimes uninvestigated, calls unanswered, victims abandoned. In places, the thin blue line will be rubbed out completely.”

He added: “Theresa May talks of asking volunteers to fill the gaps. I’m sorry, Home Secretary, but you’re not on. Your part-time police force will put people at risk.

“The battle for our public services is now. And you know where my loyalties lie. I have shown I can fight for our NHS. And my message to our police is this – I’m ready to do the same for you. Not just because I value you and your service. But because I don’t want to live in a society where we leave people to fend for themselves.”

Full speech here