Give police and NHS access to Coronavirus tests

POLICE officers and NHS workers should have access to COVID-19 testing as a priority due to the two service’s symbiotic relationship with each other.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent said although NHS staff should be at the front of the queue, officers also needed testing and appropriate personal protective equipment as they often end up attending incidents that end up in hospital.

He said: “The NHS staff who are dealing with this on the frontline in the hospitals absolutely need to be first consideration for this. But the majority of NHS staff are in a similar position to policing, especially frontline police officers who are often the first point of contact for these people.

“General NHS workers and police officers should all getting tested as soon as possible, because it’s a symbiotic relationship. If we can’t police and we can’t attend the incidents that end up in hospital, we can’t help each other out and then they can’t treat people down the line.

“As soon as possible that kid of equipment needs to be rolled out to the frontline of policing.”

Steve also backed calls by Shadow Policing Minister Louise Haigh for police officers to get priority COVID-19 testing so they can get back to work if they’ve had the disease.

The Labour MP has urged the Government to protect the welfare of officers as they battle on the frontline against the coronavirus.

Steve said: “It’s very important that Louise Haigh sticks up for police officers and it’s always very well received when she does this.”