Taser Should Be Available For All Frontline Officers

EVERY every frontline officer should have a Taser, according to South Yorkshire Police Federation.

The Home Office has announced that the force is to receive funding for 156 more Tasers.

And South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent said the personal protective equipment should be available to every officer.

He said: “Our stance is that every frontline officer should have Taser. Thankfully we’re a bit ahead of the curve with this, because as well as the centrally-funded Taser, the Chief Constable has assured us that we’re going to be getting them for 50-60% of all frontline officers, which will see us increase our numbers a lot more.

“As it stands, that’s the biggest proportion of Taser per officer of any metropolitan force.”

South Yorkshire Police is already starting to roll out its increase in Taser usage and training, and Steve said the extra Government provision was a “bonus”.

He continued: “The pros of Taser massively outweigh the cons. Yes, there’s still a public perception that they’re dangerous, but I’d ask anybody to say objectively what would they rather be, hit by a baton or Tasered, when the effects are only temporary?

“I was a Taser officer myself, and it gives you that extra tool in your belt not only to look after yourself, but also to protect members of the public.

“The only time I’ve used it is when I Tasered somebody who was seriously self-harming with a large knife. If I’d have got nearer there’s no doubt she would have used it on me, and she’d have injured herself more if it wasn’t for the fact that I Tasered her and controlled her, so she could get the treatment she needed.

“With the publicity around it, the public are more aware that police officers are getting it and that also means the criminal fraternity are more aware. They see this big yellow Taser – it’s a deterrent and a great tool to have.”

Police and Crime Commissioners across England and Wales bid for extra Tasers in January, as part of a Home Office drive to give police more powers and tools to tackle crime. The Government made available a ringfenced fund of £10m nationally, of which South Yorkshire will receive £128,700, to provide 156 Tasers.

Of the 43 forces in England and Wales, 41 submitted a request to increase the number of Tasers available to officers. The total number or Taser asked for by PCCs was 8,155, at a cost of £6.7m.

The new money is intended to cover until March 2021. A further £150,000 has been allocated for the training of Taser instructors. The remainder of the £10m will be used to tackle serious violence and County Lines drug gangs.

PFEW Chair John Apter said: “This was a unique opportunity for forces to secure extra protections without shouldering the majority of the cost. I would have liked to have seen every penny of the £10m funding used to fund more Taser. At a time when officer safety is dominating the headlines, I am surprised that some forces chose not to take advantage of this extra funding.”

Making the announcement, Home Secretary Priti Patel said: “Our brave police officers put themselves in harm’s way to protect us all and Taser is an important tactical option in potentially dangerous situations.

“This funding forms part of our commitment to ensure forces have the powers, resources and tools they need to keep themselves and the public safe.”