Direct entry and fast tracking introduced to policing

A MOVE to bring external recruits into senior policing roles for the first time – otherwise known as direct entry – is coming into force in England and Wales.

A second fast-track scheme for some graduate recruits will enable them to rise from constable to inspector in three years.

South Yorkshire Police is taking part in fast track but not direct entry.

For 180 years the normal way to enter the police has been to join as a constable and rise up the ranks.

The College of Policing, the professional body for policing, announced the recruitment schemes and said they would bring in “people with more diverse backgrounds and new perspectives”.

The direct entry programme is aimed at recruiting 20 “experienced leaders” from the private, public and charity sectors to join as superintendents, the college said. Seven forces plus the British Transport Police are taking part.

They are likely to have an 18 month probation and learning period, similar to police constables.

On the graduate fast track scheme, recruits can expect to earn £47,000 after three years when they become an inspector. Only 26 of 44 forces are involved in the 80 places on offer.

Force recruitment websites opened for both programmes on Monday April 7. On September 29 – the day after National Police Memorial Day – successful fast track entry applicants will start work in their respective forces. On November 10 direct entry superintendents will follow them into the service.

Chief Executive of the College of Policing, Chief Constable Alex Marshall, said: “These programmes are a completely new way for people to join policing and will help us to ensure that the service appeals to the brightest and best people in the country.

“Policing is an exciting and rewarding profession which makes a difference to lives of thousands of people each and every day. These new ways for people to join will help us ensure we continue to evolve as a profession by bringing in expertise from other sectors.”

Mr Cameron said: “It is vital that police forces reflect the hard-working communities which they serve. Schemes like these will enable talented and experienced people from a range of backgrounds to bring new ideas and a fresh approach to policing.

“This is about opening up policing culture by making the workforce more diverse. I want to see all forces in England and Wales rolling out these schemes.”

Neil Bowles, chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said: “We already have the High Potential Development Scheme and I would like to see the added value of the new scheme before I pass judgement.”