“South Yorkshire Police are taking a common sense approach to Brexit”

SOUTH Yorkshire Police is having to play a waiting game when it comes to Brexit, but measures are in place whatever happens over the next few months.

Steve Kent, South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair, said the force had so far taken a ‘common sense and proportionate’ response to planning for issues which might arise once Brexit has been decided.

That has included placing an embargo on leave requests, although officers can still take time off provided its ratified by the force central duties board.

It will potentially be having to police other parts of the country rather than their leave requests which will have the biggest impact on officers, Steve believes.

“The leave embargo has been extended [until the end of April] which unfortunately has to reflect the state of uncertainty in Parliament at the minute,” he said.

“So, it’s a bit of ‘bear with’ really. The force is taking a much more common-sense approach and just putting leave restrictions in place.

“Officers can still apply for leave, it just has to go through to our central duties board. They’ve kept the date of the embargo from the 29th, which is a bit regrettable. But they’re going to do that until the back end of April and see where we go.”

Further Brexit delays will only add to the uncertainty, he said, while the test will come if and when a date is set.

“I think the testing time is going to be if it’s delayed again or if  and when we get a specific date that we actually are leaving once it’s agreed in parliament.

“What’s that going to look like for officers in terms of really being pulled around the country? I think that’s more the uncertainty, rather than the leave situation.”