Police Pay: Police officers need pay to reflect the risks they take

THE Police Pay announcement for 2020 must bring officers pay back in line with cost of living following years of cuts, South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

Police officer pay is still around 18% below what it should be in real terms and the last pay rise was 2.5% – well below the level requested by the Police Federation of England and Wales.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent said that although the 2.5% rise last year was welcomed by officers, it was just simply not enough. The Police Federation of England and Wales requested and evidenced why 5% was required.

He said “Obviously I welcomed the 2.5% last year, but I don’t think it was enough.

“This year I’d like to see a 5% pay rise to bring officers back up to speed. And then after that at least an increment that’s above inflation to cover the increasing costs of living which is causing officers to really suffering.

“I think it’s very realistic to ask for 5%, and I think it would be a good gesture from the Government going forward, and a sign that they appreciate the hard work that officers are doing up and down the country.

“For most officers 5% would work out around £100 more (a month) in their pay packet – but it’s a symbolic rise.”

Steve added that police pay needs to reflect the risk that officers take day in day out.

He continued “Police officers need to see a reflection for the risks we take in the job we do. And I don’t just mean physical risks – the risk of litigation and the prospect of being stood in court in front of a judge. We need to start reflecting that in pay.”