A Christmas message from South Yorkshire Police Federation

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent shares a festive message with his members.

I would like to take the opportunity to say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all our officers, especially those who will be working over the Christmas period and won’t get as much time off with their loved ones. I hope they do get chance to have a bit of a mulled wine and a mince pie at some point and get their feet up.

Looking back on 2019, I think going from being the worst force in the country, to one of the top 5 forces in the country in terms of our performance shows that our officers are amongst some of the hardest working officers in the country. They do this with one of the smallest budgets and smallest workforces for our area size. I think my colleagues should be immensely proud of themselves, and we’ll carry on looking after them as much as possible if anything happens.

To finish, here’s to a better year going forward with the promises of better pay rises and hopefully better working conditions for all.