Royal Commission into policing is a one-stop source of analysing issues

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation is backing calls for a Royal Commission into Policing.

The last police review took place in 1962 although earlier this year MPs discussed whether a fresh commission was needed to investigate how policing is run and funded.

Now PFEW Chairman John Apter has reopened the debate by calling for an end to the ‘postcode lottery’ of policing funding which can see some forces better resourced than others.

It’s a move backed by South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent.

“A Royal Commission would be welcome because it would shine a light on things,” he said.

“It’s an easy one-stop material source to analyse the weaknesses within the police force and the things that need to be dealt with.

“That would get quite a lot of media traction and would be quite impactive.

“I totally agree that there needs to be an inquiry into policing in terms of the postcode lottery funding because it’s bizarre that you get forces where the demographics are there’s more people who will pay less in council tax and so therefore their police forces are funded less.”

That has an impact on the South Yorkshire force.

“We are one of the poorest metropolitan forces because we don’t have a high precept from council tax,” Steve said.

“So, we rely on central funding which isn’t given out to make up for that – areas in the country that naturally probably need policing the most get funded the worst. How can that make sense?

“There needs to be another look into that and see if that can be recognised and if the balance can be changed.”