The Police Federation of England Wales celebrates 100th anniversary

THE PFEW has been described as a ‘force for good’ as it celebrates its 100th anniversary.

The Federation marked the occasion with a celebratory conference in London and Steve Kent, South Yorkshire Police Federation chair said it was a great way to showcase the national Federation’s work.

“It’s a force for good and people need to see the bigger picture as to what the Federation does and how it’s influenced the 20,000 uplift in officers pledge, the Taser uplift, and how it is constantly fighting on police legislation, “ he said.

“The Federation is a really proactive organisation in looking after peoples’ best interests in the force, but it’s just not showcased enough. So, this [the event] was a lovely opportunity to do that.

“There has been negativity caused by some of the pension issues in the last year or two. But people need to realise the good work Reps on the ground do every day, day-in, day-out, looking after members.

“A lot of the them do this in their spare time, and it’s not recognised.”