Four pence a week will help pay for new coppers

FIFTY new police officers will be recruited at South Yorkshire Police over the next year after the Police and Crime Commissioner increased the policing precept.

The two per cent rise in council tax – amounting to an increase of around 4p a week to Band A tax payers – will also protect the number of community support officers at the force.

Changes to shift patterns and a reduction in overtime will further save cash, amounting to an extra £5m that will be reinvested in public protection, according to PCC Shaun Wright.

The extra funds will see 102 officers employed in areas including child abuse, domestic violence and sexual assault.

57 new officers will be recruited this year and 42 next year – to replace those who are moved to jobs in public protection.

Mr Wright said: “This budget represents the biggest ever annual investment in policing in South Yorkshire. I have consistently said that protecting the most vulnerable in society is my number one priority and in this budget I will be lifting the force spend in this area from the bottom quarter to the top quarter of forces across the country.”

He added: “I am acutely conscious that families are struggling to make ends meet in what is the worst recession for decades. The increase to the policing aspect of the council tax is as low as I could keep it to generate part of the money required to fund vital services without it having a severe impact on the finances of residents.”