General Election Party promises: The proof will be in the pudding

POLICING is firmly on the political agenda in the run-up to December’s General Election, something which can only be good for officers according to South Yorkshire Police Federation.

Labour is pledging a 5% increase in police salaries from April 2020 if they are in power, while the Conservatives are vowing to increase sentencing for people who assault police officers and bring forward police driver protection.

Both promises would be great news for officers, South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said, but only if the parties keep them once the dust settles on the election.

“All parties are making these promises and I don’t want these just to be pre-election promises that don’t actually hold much water once actually whatever party is in office,” he said.

“They need to obviously follow it through. But it’s refreshing to see the sentencing issue rising again and also the protection for police drivers.

“Mention of a 5% pay rise is obviously welcome. For me, whichever party gets in, these three aspects coupled with officer welfare are an absolute given.

“It’s good that it’s on the table. It’s good that it’s being talked about. But I’m very cynical until it’s actually there – the proof will be in the pudding.”