“An outstanding service to local communities”

SUCCESSES and achievements of police officers in Doncaster have been celebrated at an awards ceremony.

The Police Officer of the Year Award at the event – held at the Keepmoat Stadium – went to PC Gerry Dawson [pictured with chief constable David Crompton] “for his continued commitment, outstanding performance and the high quality service he provides to members of the public and colleagues.”

Doncaster District Commander Ch Supt Richard Tweed introduced the event on Wednesday 15 January, followed by 12 other awards presented by sponsors.

Police Constable of the Year Award went to PC David Connolly, a member of the Doncaster East Neighbourhood Policing Team. According to the force, PC Connolly “works closely with partner agencies and plays a significant part in local problem solving, particularly in relation to reducing antisocial behaviour and improving the quality of life for local communities.”

Ch Supt Tweed said: “The past 12- months have been a very challenging time for South Yorkshire Police. Having to deliver an efficient service to the people of Doncaster with an ever-diminishing budget. I am delighted to say that all our staff and partners have risen to the challenge and continue to deliver excellent services to all members of our communities.”

Detective Constable of the Year Award went to DC Richard Dickinson. DC Dickinson is a very experienced and established detective working within the Doncaster Public Protection Unit.

Investigation Officer of the Year Award went to DC Nicola Hallam, who was lead investigator in the abduction of a teenage girl from South Yorkshire by a 35-year-old man.

The Bravery Award went to PC Andy Felters. PC Felters was on patrol one night last October when he responded to an emergency call for assistance. The Fire & Rescue Service had notified the police that they were on route to a house fire in Conisborough, where it was reported that a child was trapped inside the house.

PC Felters was close by and arrived before the Fire Service.  The house was well alight, but despite not having any fire retardant clothing or breathing apparatus, he took it upon himself to enter the burning house. Despite his valiant and selfless efforts, he was unable to rescue the child. When the fire crews arrived, they were amazed by his outstanding bravery. According to the force “PC Felters was extremely upset by the experience, but the next day he was back at work doing what he does best, helping our local communities.”

Special Constable of the Year Award went to Special Constable Paul Kirkham for his “outstanding support to the Doncaster District.”

Team performance of the Year Award went to Operation Optimal Forager. An initiative focused on tackling house burglary. Student Officer of the Year Award went to PC Peter Brittle and Diversity Achievement of the Year Award went to PC Maxine Farrell – a Children and Young Person Officer in Doncaster.

The Partnership Working Award went to Operation Audience and the Lifetime achievement Award went to Inspector Andrea Cowling.