Top cops praised at Rotherham awards

POLICE Officers from across Rotherham have been recognised for their good work at a District Awards.

Police Officer of the Year Award went to PC Jonathan Revill (pictured centre). ‘Jon’ is said to have made a significant impact on community policing in Rotherham North safer neighbourhoods team in the ten months he has been there. There were also 13 other awards. 

Judges said that PC Revill – pictured in between Rotherham District Commander, Ch Supt Jason Harwin and Deputy Chief Constable Andy Holt – works to a continually high standards taking responsibility and ownership of tasks with relish, his enthusiasm on a daily basis rubs off on all those around him.

Other award winners included Team Player of the Year Award going to PC Rick Revitt who was recognised for his “enthusiasm, energy and with the wealth of experience that he brings to the job and his professional and inspiring attitude.”

Award for Lifetime Achievement in Policing went to PC Andy Robinson, a trained crime reduction officer based at Rotherham. Judges said that PC Robinson “approaches his job with total enthusiasm and vigour working hard to support the district in crime prevention and reduction initiatives.”

The Diversity in Action, Team Award went to PC Jeannine Waller who has been working with Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual and Transgender youth worker Russell Oxley, to develop a support network in schools for young people who may be victims of bullying or crime.

The “Leaders in Action, Team Award” went to the Reactive CID team who have managed an enormous workload over the past twelve months and despite having to deal with tragic and traumatic events on a regular basis, the team shows a collective positive attitude and a strong team-working ethos.

The Brian Moseley Award – for the officer who epitomises the concept of policing by consent through partnership with local people – went to PC Deborah Straker for her work within the Rotherham Central safer neighbourhoods team. PC Straker has been at the forefront of developing Partners and Communities Together meetings in the Whiston and Broom areas.

They are amongst the best attended in the borough and this is undoubtedly a result of her passionate commitment to delivering positive outcomes to public concerns. Deborah makes herself accessible by attending local events and through regular patrol. She is a part of the community and involves herself even in her time off.

Student Officer of the Year Award went to PC Daniel Guest. He is described as “confident, hard working, helpful and friendly” and “shows a maturity to his work despite his length of service”. PC Guest volunteers to help colleagues wherever possible and is happy to follow direction and advice of colleagues.

Ch Supt Jason Harwin said: “I’m very proud of the dedication and leadership shown by not only the winners but others that are involved in keeping the public of Rotherham safe. “It has been a challenging 12 months, but as the awards have shown we have risen to the challenge.”