HMIC: “Considerable progress” on reducing crime

HM Inspectorate of Constabulary has congratulated South Yorkshire Police after the force made notable reductions in crime.

HMIC wrote to South Yorkshire Police to congratulate the “considerable progress” it has made while operating in a time of reduced budgets. The inspectorate had complained in spring last year that the force had not done enough to close the funding gap and that it was concerned about its performance on reducing crime.

However, following a re-inspection in October, HMIC applauded South Yorkshire’s “very welcome early improvements” in performance.

The inspectorate listed the force’s “robust” evidence-based approach towards its review on local policing, a renewed focus on regional collaboration and its “prudent” approach towards financial management among its successes.

The HMIC added: “During the re-inspection you were able to demonstrate that you had made considerable progress in addressing the concerns identified in our earlier inspection. You were able to set out plans to close the previously identified spending gap, had a clear vision of the future operating mode and were progressing work to move the force to this new model.”

David Crompton, chief constable of South Yorkshire Police, said the force had seen dramatic improvements in burglary.

Mr Crompton said: “When we were originally visited by HMIC in the Spring of 2013, its inspectors expressed concern that we had not done enough to close the funding gap. They also said they were worried about our performance on reducing crime and had not done enough to review and restructure how we operated.

“It is a huge tribute to the Force that, following a re-inspection carried out in the autumn, we have now received what is a highly complimentary report.”

He added: “Since the beginning of October, South Yorkshire Police has reduced burglary by over 10%, which represents hundreds fewer victims, and is likely to be one of the highest reductions in burglary of any force in the country over the period.

“To have achieved such a turn around in view from HMIC is to the credit of the hard work, professionalism and total commitment of the entire force.”