Welcome Return For South Yorkshire’s Mounted Unit

SOUTH Yorkshire Police has got its mounted unit back, and the region’s police Federation could not be more delighted.

The force’s horses were moved to West Yorkshire three years ago in a cost cutting measure.

But now they’re back at their refurbished base at Ring Farm near Barnsley and ready to go out on patrol again.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent was pleased to welcome the unit home which, he said, plays a vital role during public order incidents.

He said: “It’s great news, and we as a Federation support their return.

“The horses play a vital role in public order. When you look at football matches, of which we have a disproportionate amount in South Yorkshire because of our football teams, the presence of horses makes a massive difference to the officers on the ground.

“To the public it’s positive. Positive interaction with police horses from the public is always there. So it’s brilliant news and we are really glad to have them back.”

Steve hopes it’s a sign that the days of austerity and cuts to the force could be over.

He added: “Resources are being built back up, and officer numbers are starting to rise as well.

“I’m hoping, as a Force, we’ve reached the bottom of where we were and we’re starting to pick up.

“We’ve got challenging times still ahead, but we want to get those things back in place and get the officers back in place.

“Horses and dogs are very welcome and that’s been noticed more and more, the availability on the frontline of police dogs is a huge confidence boost.”