Chair on Theresa May: she was a disaster for policing

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation has labelled Theresa May’s premiership ‘a disaster’ for policing.

The former PM oversaw a decade worth of cuts to policing and public spending and was less than sympathetic to the service during her time as Home Secretary.

Steve Kent, South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman said he hopes the new administration will repair the damaged relations between Whitehall and policing.

“Theresa May has been a disaster for policing, from her days as Home Secretary onwards to her time as Prime Minister.

“I’m hoping now that she’s gone there can be a complete and utter attitude change in the Government and I’m optimistic going into the future that there will not be any agenda to carry on any destruction of the police force, which is what we’ve seen.”

Steve had little sympathy for the former PM when she cried announcing her resignation.

“I thought when she was shedding tears, when she stood at the box to announce her retirement, well, think of that for the thousands and thousands of officers who have shed tears because of the stress and the workload that they’re under which has meant they simply can’t do the job,” he said.

“That’s a direct result of the way she’s operated and her agenda from being in the Home Secretary post. She won’t be missed.”