Extra firearms officers is a ‘no brainer’, says SYPF Chair

NEW specialist officers for South Yorkshire Police will help deter crime says South Yorkshire Police Federation.

Specialist firearms officers, specialist investigators and dog handlers are being recruited to form a 92 strong unit.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent said the extra bodies will really help on the frontline.

“This is in addition to the regular officers that the Chief is wanting to recruit as well,” he said.

“These specialist officers will come from department so our officers can be released into the specialist roles from the recruitment drive that we’re doing.

“I completely welcome it. With the firearms officers, firearms incidents are on the rise, so that is welcome.

“And I think extra dog handlers and specialist investigators is an absolute no brainer. Frontline cops particularly, we’ve had occasions where we’ve had one dog officer for the whole force. This increase in dog handler numbers will mean that there could be a least a part return to when there were dog handlers locally available for each shift,” he added.

“It’s a huge benefit in terms of tracking offenders and obviously as a deterrent as well, when we’re dealing with people fighting.

“It’s good news and it’s a sign of, hopefully, an improvement to come.”