Fitness of Association of Chief Police Officers examined

A RETIRED general will lead an inquiry into whether the Association of Chief Police Officers is fit for purpose.

Sir Nick Parker will examine the work of ACPO – led by Sir Hugh Orde (pictured) – after a request from the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners. It requested the review in light of policing changes, such as the introduction of elected commissioners and the College of Policing.

ACPO president Sir Hugh said it was a “logical step”. He added: “The public and police strongly benefit from the facility for operational leaders to meet, act and speak collectively but the shifting national landscape in policing and the particular role of Police and Crime Commissioners mean that it is timely to look again at how ACPOs national support to operational policing can be sustained and delivered in future. We look forward to working with General Sir Nick Parker.”

Sir Nick said: “Police and Crime Commissioners have asked me to look at the role played by ACPO in the new policing landscape. They largely fund the organisation and want to ensure that it is fit for purpose, both operationally and financially, delivering the appropriate capabilities in a manner that is sustainable and exemplifies a cost effective use of public money.

“This is clearly an important and timely piece of work and I feel honoured to have been asked to carry it out.”

In a joint statement, Staffordshire PCC Matthew Ellis, Dorset’s Martyn Underhill and Merseyside’s Jane Kennedy said: “We respect the operational independence of the police but, as representatives of the public, we need to ensure that ACPO continues to have relevance to the policing challenges of today.

“With the creation of the College of Policing and National Crime Agency we felt it was timely to look at where ACPO fits into the new landscape and establish both how it contributes and how it should be sustained into the future. We felt it was important that this review was subject to independent rigour by a figure with significant operational experience.”