SYPF Chairman’s Christmas and New Year message

STEVE Kent, Chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, shares his Christmas message to members.

“I would like to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year. I particularly want to pass on my thoughts and gratitude to all the South Yorkshire Police officers and staff who are working over the Christmas period – I hope they find time to relax and rejuvenate and spend some all-important time with their friends and family.

“As I look back over the last 12 months, I think we need to acknowledge that 2018 has seen another difficult year for both our forces and the police family in general.

“However, I take solace in the fact that the public can see the difficulties we face and I know the majority are behind us in putting pressure on central government to change their stance on cutting police budgets. Time will tell where this will take us, but it is clear that the force needs to regrow and it looks like plans are being put in place to do just that.

“As I look ahead I am optimistic. While we have reached our lowest ebb in recent years, I know the future is looking brighter and we can look forward with a bit of positivity. On behalf of everyone at South Yorkshire Police Federation I’d like to extend our members my warmest wishes for 2019.”