Tenth National Police Memorial Day for fallen colleagues

AROUND 2,000 people, including every chief constable in the United Kingdom, are expected to attend the tenth National Police Memorial Day in Cardiff next month.

The event, which honours police officers who have given their lives in the line of duty, will take place on Sunday 29 September in St David’s Hall, Cardiff. Sgt Joe Holness, who founded National Police Memorial Day in 2004, (pictured) said the service loses between 10 and 15 officers every year, many in road traffic collisions and also in attacks during call-outs.

Neil Bowles, chairman of South Yorkshire Police Federation, and secretary Jim Lucas will be attending.

PCs Nicola Hughes and Fiona Bone, the Greater Manchester Police officers shot after being lured to a fake burglary, will be among those remembered.

Sgt Holness said that their deaths were “a clear indication of the dangers we face in modern policing”.

“That won’t go away,” he added. “Unfortunately a year never goes by when we don’t have officers stabbed, shot, kicked, punched. It goes with the job and is something police officers have to deal with day in, day out.”

Mr Holness said National Police Memorial Day ensured that the legacy of fallen colleagues is forever treasured.

“What I think it brings is some comfort to the families to know that the sacrifice of their loved ones is never going to be forgotten. At least one day a year, the country will stop and remember their loved ones. That must never be overlooked.”

Last year’s National Police Memorial Day service took place at York Minster, with a congregation of more than 2,000 people. Officers of all ranks were joined by families, politicians and members of the public to pay their respects.

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, gave the address and described those officers who had given their lives as “the bravest of the brave”.

To mark the first decade of National Police Memorial Day, a silver tenth anniversary commemorative tie pin has gone on sale.

“It is a milestone for us,” said Mr Holness. “We are still in ascendancy and are going from strength to strength.”

The National Police Memorial Day is open to everyone to attend, but you must register in advance to receive your invitation to the event. To register your interest, please visit www.nationalpolicememorialday.org or email [email protected]