All Frontline Officers Should Have Taser

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation wants every frontline officer to have Taser as part of their personal protection kit.

Northamptonshire Chief Constable Nick Adderley recently told media outlets that he thought every officer would have access to the non-lethal weapon within three years, such is the rising tide of violence and assaults faced by officers on the frontline.

And South Yorkshire Police Federation Chairman Steve Kent said rolling out Taser to all frontline officers is a ‘no brainer’.

He explained: “South Yorkshire just rolled out the XT Taser, which is the newer Taser.

“And every frontline team should have at least one, possibly two Taser resources on them. So we are slowly getting there.

“My view, ultimately, is that I would like to see every officer armed with a Taser because having been a Taser officer myself, it’s an excellent piece of kit. The risks are minimal to the public, and it keeps officers safe.

“It’s a visual deterrent when you’ve got a big, yellow taser on your stab vest. People do think twice.

“So, I absolutely support the roll-out. I know there’s going to be a cost involved in that, and I’d like to see central Government pushed to meet the costs. Every frontline police officer in South Yorkshire and in the country should have Taser.”

Steve said the kit is vital to protect officers from assaults and that it is potentially less harmful than deploying batons or a police dog when trying to control suspects.

He added: “Ideally we wouldn’t want to use any use of force equipment. Violence against police officers is rising, so there is a need to protect them better.

“There is absolutely no doubt having been a Taser officer myself, that having it as part of your kit really does improve your options. The most important aspect is officer safety.

“The second aspect is that a Taser is potentially going to cause less injury to the violent person who we have to arrest. Being Tasered will get them controlled with minimum force – being hit with a baton, or [the use of a] dog is potentially going to cause a lot more damage.

“For me, there are very few cons to all officers having a Taser. It’s a no-brainer, and the risks associated with them are minimal.”