Pay deal for Scotland is ‘salt in the wounds’ for colleagues

POLICE officers in Scotland are being awarded a 6.5% pay rise – in a move described as “salt in the wounds” of English and Welsh colleagues.

The deal applies until 31 March 2021, will be backdated to 1st September and represents a £125m boost to officer wages. A mid-point constable will see their pay bolstered by £2,300 and will earn an additional £6,000 over the next 31 months.

Scottish Police Federation Secretary Calum Steele said he was delighted the hard work of the Federation in lobbying for the increase was rewarded.

“It is worth noting that even allowing for the extended period of this pay award, it represents the greatest uplift to police pay for over 20 years.

“The value of immediate payment on pay and pension as opposed to an extended year deal cannot be ignored,” he said.

The pay boost for officers north of the border brings the ‘derisory’ amount awarded to officers in England and Wales into sharp focus.

They were awarded 2% in July, although because last year’s pay award consisted of a 1% rise and a 1% one-off bonus, officers effectively only got another 1% in their pay packets.

PFEW National Chair John Apter said the news would be hard to bear for officers in England and Wales.

“It’s positive news for our colleagues in Scotland but it is hard to stomach for their colleagues in England and Wales,” he said.

“For the second year running the Government in Westminster chose to ignore the recommendations of the Police Remuneration Review Body (PRRB) awarding a miserly increase that amounts to around £2.50 extra per week.

“Officers don’t do the job for the money, but it is unacceptable to see colleagues struggling to meet ends meet at the end of every month – the Scottish government has shown its support for policing and they have delivered more than warm words which is what is needed from our Government.

“Officers are sick of pleasantries from politicians, which in reality mean nothing.

“For a Government to show such contempt for those who put their lives on the line for the public is shameful.”