Taser and body cams ‘vital’ deterrents to police assaults

TASER and body cams are key parts of officers’ personal protection equipment hence the force is keen to progress this area of work, says South Yorkshire Police Federation.

Figures from a recent PFEW survey show that just 1% of officers have access to body worn cameras for every shift in South Yorkshire, while 13% have similar levels of access to Taser.

Officers filling in the survey said they wanted improved access to both pieces of kit.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Zuleika Payne said both items were ‘vital’ deterrents to police assaults and were key to make officers feel safer and more confident on the beat.

“We have seen an initial phase of the roll out of the equipment for some officers in specialist roles, this year,” she confirmed.

“Ultimately it would be wonderful to see all officers equipped with this kit all the time”

Body cams are also incredibly useful for derailing spurious claims about officers too, while just having Taser on them can help officers deter potential assaults.

“Kit like this protects the police officer and protects members of the public – body cams are so useful for gathering evidence and will cut down on the amount of time we might spend having to deal with vexatious allegations against officers – the evidence is right there and is being recorded.

“When talking about the use of Taser we have to make a clear distinction that we are referring to it actually being deployed and often the deterrent of it is enough, drawing it can stop someone from doing what they were doing.

“The more we can make it available to officers the better it will be for everyone.”