National Police Memorial Day

“We must never forget our fallen officers”, the Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation has said, in the lead up to National Police Memorial Day.

National Police Memorial Day is taking place in Glasgow on Sunday 29 September, giving formal recognition to police officers who have given their all to protect others and make their communities safer places to live and work.

Around 5,000 police officers have died while on duty in the past 180 years, yet this sacrifice and exceptional dedication to duty remained largely unrecognised until relatively recently.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said: “This is a massively important event. We will get the opportunity to take the families of our fallen officers up to Scotland, we look after them and we remember those officers. It’s absolutely vital that we never forget them.

“It’s a really poignant event and is something I hope will never stop – it’s a universally positive thing. It can be upsetting, there are always tears in the room. But we must never forget our officers who have fallen.”