Officers Can Have Their Say On Industrial Rights

South Yorkshire Police officers should engage with the PFEW’s poll on industrial rights, which the Federation says is “a once-in-a-generation opportunity” to demonstrate what officers think about pay and conditions.

The vote is open until 21:59 on 23 June, and all members, including Special Constables, can take part via a link sent by the Federation. They will vote on whether they want PFEW to pursue industrial rights for police officers, especially the right to ‘collective bargaining’, with a focus on a fairer, binding, pay mechanism.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said: “I absolutely encourage our members to vote in this poll. I wave our flag quite forcefully for this conversation – I’ve been at this now for over five years, back to the days when there was very little support among local Federations to seek industrial rights.

“Our members have made it clear to me that they want the right to vote and I was elected on the promise that I would keep pushing this – and now we’ve got it, so this is massive. It’s a once-in-a-generation opportunity to show a real strength of feeling about what officers feel about their pay and conditions.”

Steve added that he was keen to come talk to officers about the pros and cons of industrial action. He said: “My pledge is that if people want me to come to speak to them about the poll, and come to briefings, I want to do that. It’s absolutely vital that people engage with this. It’s not for me to say how they vote, it’s for me to signpost them to fair and balanced information, so they can make their own mind up. What’s important is that people vote.”

A statement from the PFEW said: “As a membership-led organisation, we feel it is important that we seek the view of all members on this matter, and PFEW will act on the majority position. There are of course legal parameters and challenges to be aware of, which is why time has been taken to approach this task carefully.”