SYPF Federation Chair ‘frustrated’ by HM Chief Inspector

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation has hit out at HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary following his address at Conference.

Sir Thomas Winsor spoke about police welfare and fatigue at the Police Federation of England and Wales Annual Conference.

He said: We need to determine how forces assess the impact of mental health and wellbeing on their officers.

“Do forces fully and properly understand the knock-on effect on officers’ welfare and wellbeing if they have dealt with a serious road traffic accident or a suicide?”

But Zuleika Payne, Federation Chair, was frustrated by his comments. She said: “It has never sat easy with me that we had a former rail regulator meddling with the police organisation.

“We could see the writing on the wall and what was on the horizon as a result of his report.

“On the stage, Sir Thomas  made many references to management, process and planning.

“I just wonder whether he does see and chooses to ignore, or whether he fails to see the reason why we find ourselves in this desperate situation.

“Having implemented those recommendations, look at where we are.”