Momentum In Industrial Rights Vote

The PFEW plan to poll members on industrial rights has “momentum” and South Yorkshire Police Federation is heavily involved in the preparations.

Members of the Police Federation of England and Wales (PFEW)’s National Council are united in their wish to ballot the membership on industrial rights as soon as possible. The decision follows years of ignored requests to the Government for fairer pay and conditions, and PFEW is working with a leading senior counsel (KC) on their approach.

Steve said: “I’m really happy to be part of the national group for the industrial rights vote, and for our regional representative, along with Craig Nicholls, to be the regional spokesperson on this.

“What we’re trying to work out now is a piece of work that informs officers about what industrial rights and collective bargaining could actually mean if we’re successful.

“We’re trying to do that in as balanced a way as possible. The criticism we had last time we sought industrial rights in the early 2010s, was that it was almost set up to fail and it was done from a negative angle.

This time, it can’t be the other way, it can’t be trying to pressgang people into doing one thing or the other, but it needs to be really informative and it needs to be easy for officers to understand.”

Steve said that he was passionate about the issue, which he has been pressing for for some time.

He added: “I’m pleased that momentum is continuing. The engines are going on it, and I’ll continue to push that on behalf of our members, because it’s something that myself and a lot of our officers are very passionate about.”