Federation Chair: We need quicker IOPC investigations

THE new policing watchdog established in January must ensure its investigations are quicker and more transparent than those of its predecessor, South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

The Independent Police Complaints Commission was disbanded at the beginning of the year and replaced with the Independent Office for Police Conduct.

Many of the staff remain the same, but a new leadership has been established under director general Michael Lockwood.

But the change must prove itself as much more than a rebadging, Zuleika Payne, Federation Chair warned.

She said: “It is important that the IOPC demonstrates to both police officers and the public alike that this hasn’t just been about a change in name, and this will only be achieved through clear and concise communication, with transparency and showing an effective way of working as far as they’re concerned.”

The IPCC came under fire for taking far too long to conclude investigations, leaving police officers and their families in limbo for months and even years.

Zuleika added: “One understands why individuals may feel frustrated at the IOPC when it comes to the investigations and the seemingly protracted period of time taken to complete an investigation. It needs to act with transparency and fairness. However, it is early days yet and one can only suggest that the proof of the pudding will be in the eating.”

The Home Office said the body can promise speedier decision-making with a new board that will “ensure greater accountability to the public”.

The new single executive head will ensure clear lines of accountability and a streamlined decision-making process, the Home Office said, and this, coupled with the introduction of the Policing and Crime Act 2017 will “increase the IOPC’s powers, clarify its investigative processes and further safeguard its independence”.