Federation Conference Should Focus On Industrial Rights

The national Federation needs to put the ballot on industrial rights “front and centre” at its upcoming conference, South Yorkshire Police Federation has said.

This year, the Police Federation of England and Wales’s (PFEW) annual conference is being held online, from 10-11 October.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said: “The thing that I want to see front and centre is that the Federation needs to focus on the groundbreaking industrial rights papers that are coming. Those will give officers the opportunity to vote on collective bargaining and potentially certain industrial rights.

“I have been campaigning for this from the start. Some of our rhetoric was ignored, and now we’re in a position where the vast majority of Federations are behind this. We have to talk about it, because this is a great opportunity to unite all our officers, empower them to make their own decisions, and for the Federations to actively start doing what our officers want them to do.”