Colleagues gather to remember PC Dave Fields

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation has paid tribute to the memory of PC Dave Fields, who was killed on duty on Christmas Day.

Zuleika Payne, Federation Chair, attended the funeral last month along with hundreds of colleagues. Zuleika said: “Our hearts go out to both families who have been affected by this tragic incident.

She added: “One cannot begin to imagine the pain and sadness that individuals are feeling, because certainly as a police family we feel our loss.

“Dave was not only immensely popular amongst his colleagues, he was also an outstanding police officer and he will be very sadly missed.”

This was illustrated by the number of mourners at the funeral held just outside Sheffield, Zuleika said. The police motorcycle wing attended, along with the police mounted section and the Chief Constable along with the senior leadership group. Even his dog, Bertie, attended.

A full guard of honour was held for the officer, who had 12 years’ service with the force.

She added: “It was lovely to see so many people there who will be able to share so many memories of their time working with Dave.”

PC Dave Fields was responding to an incident in a marked patrol vehicle when it collided with a Citroen C3 on Christmas Day. Lorraine Stephenson, 61, a passenger in the Citroen, also died in the crash.

PC Fields had been described as an “exceptional officer”. He left behind a wife and two young children.