Outlining how policing is a #JobLikeNoOther

A BARNSLEY school’s officer swapped class time for screen time recently, when she got behind the camera for a Darton College documentary.

PC Clair Mount, who is also a Children and Young Person’s Officer, answered questions on what it was like to be an officer and what her role working in schools involves.

The documentary, put together by a group of boys at the college, is going to explore the impact poor choices can have on someone’s life, in particular in relation to antisocial behaviour.

PC Mount, said: “As part of the project, the boys have also visited HMP Young Offenders Institute at Wetherby and Sheffield Crown Court.

“They were keen to speak to a police officer to find out more about the work we do, how we deal with young people who commit crimes and antisocial behaviour, and what being a children and young person’s officer involves.

“Overall, this was a really positive experience and I was pleased to have been able to take part.

“I was able to talk to them about my 13 years as a response officer as well as my role working within schools. For me, it’s really important that we educate young people about our roles and the impacts crime and antisocial behaviour can have on a community.”