New Chairman and Vice Chairman for National Police Federation

CALUM Macleod has been elected to take up the role of national Chair of the Police Federation of England and Wales on 1 January 2018.

Mr Macleod (left) said: “I am honoured and privileged to be elected to the role of chair; with that comes the responsibility of ensuring that the organisation truly represents the views of rank and file police officers across England and Wales.”

As a result of the appointment, a vote was held to replace the Vice-Chair in the New Year. Che Donald was elected to the position and will take up the role from 1 January 2018.

Mr Macleod added: “Our organisational reform is nearing completion and now we must focus all our energy on achieving positive change for our members. Let’s not sugar coat the current situation that we are facing – policing is in a critical state.

“We will continue to be robust with stakeholders and demand that they acknowledge and address the real issues facing the service and our members.”

Mr Macleod, national Vice-Chair since April 2016, will take over from Steve White who has been in the post since May 2014. As the only nominee, Mr Macleod was confirmed in the role at an Interim National Board meeting at the national centre in Leatherhead on 21 November.