Showing Our Support For Response Police Officers

South Yorkshire Police Federation showed its support of frontline officers by taking its wellbeing van around the force area during this year’s Response Policing Week.

Response Policing Week, which began on 26 June, recognises the hard work and bravery of those who respond to calls from the public and confront criminals day and night.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Steve Kent said: “For Response Week, we’ve been taking a wellbeing van round to frontline officers giving out goodies and refreshments. It’s gone down really, really well.

“We have to protect our frontline because if the frontline buckles, everywhere else buckles. So it’s something that we’re absolutely all over and we’re having some real positive feedback.

“It’s often a forgotten part of policing. I’m always really wary of pitting police departments against each other because every cog in this organisation is equally important. All departments in South Yorkshire Police are so critical, but the 999 response is the thing that the public expects and needs probably more than anything.”

He continued: “I really do feel for our response officers who are pulled from pillar to post, with sometimes really poor staffing levels because of where we are. It’s absolutely right that we remind them that we’re trying to look after them as best we can.”