Cuts have led policing on downward spiral

BUDGET cuts have led policing on a downward spiral, South Yorkshire Police Federation has warned.

With no mention of extra cash for policing in the Budget on 22 November, forces will continue facing further budget cuts and a shrinking workforce.

NPCC Chair Sara Thornton had spoken out before the Budget, describing the police service’s current financial position as “unsustainable” and calling for more Government money for forces.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Zuleika Payne said it was “reassuring” that Ms Thornton had spoken out, but said forces still faced a difficult future.

She said: “When you start to cut a budget, it becomes difficult to function and then because it’s difficult to function you then struggle to be efficient, it feels like a downward spiral.

“So it’s reassuring that CC Thornton has actually spoken out in this way as a senior officer. This isn’t just a case of forces up and down the country having a moan, this is a really serious issue. To have somebody in the position that Sara Thornton holds to actually speak out on our behalf, is a step in the right direction because that’s the stark reality of the position we find ourselves in.”

“You don’t have to be a financial expert to understand that when significant amounts of money have been taken from policing, it’s inevitable that the service delivery is affected. It’s difficult to come up with sustainable solutions without having the finances behind us.”