No “extra” officers to deal with terrorist attacks

WHEN terrorists attack, there are no “extra police officers” to call on. That was the message from Ch Supt Gavin Thomas, President of the Superintendents’ Association in a speech at the organisation’s Annual Conference.

He said: “We must not forget that the ‘extra officers’ brought in to boost the policing presence after the terrorist attacks earlier this year were not in fact extra officers.

“There is no pool of extra officers to call on when demand surges.

“They were the same officers who police all the time, sacrificing rest days and holidays to keep the public safe.

“Putting the safety and the welfare of others above their own.”

He added: “We in this room have a responsibility as leaders, to look after our staff as well as looking after ourselves.

“Just as those who lead us have that same responsibility. I will say it again: we must look after our people.

“Because without them, there is no police service.”

In 2010, there were 143,734 police officers in England and Wales.

There are now 123,142. That’s 20,592 fewer.

Full speech here