Wellbeing Support For Federation Reps

SOUTH Yorkshire Police Federation reps, who are often exposed to traumatic and emotionally difficult situations, are being encouraged to look after their own mental health and make use of the support available.

Federation Chair Steve Kent was speaking as the national PFEW launched a number of wellbeing professional development days for reps across the country.

The latest Pay and Morale Survey revealed that the morale and wellbeing of police officers was at an all-time low, and Federation reps were not immune, Steve said.

He said: “In our branch, we’re very live to this issue, considering the workload that our reps have. We’re cognisant at spotting when reps have got a large workload as well as the day job that they’re dealing with.

“This is something that often gets forgotten, but when our reps are looking after an officer who’s in trouble, who’s been badly hurt or anything like that, there is an emotional toll on the rep as well. We are dealing with, in some cases, victims of crime, and sometimes suspects.

“So it’s absolutely vital that we look after our reps. We check in on each other within our branch, and we always encourage our reps to come to us with any issues. We do have our own facilities in case any of our reps need support. But these PFEW days are another tool, which are very welcome for our reps to get access to if they need to.

“If anyone’s struggling, come and speak to us in the office and we’ll always be able to help.”