Increased support for routine arming

TWO thirds of South Yorkshire Police officers are in favour of routine arming throughout the service, a new survey has shown.

The Police Federation of England and Wales polled its members on firearms and found that just 34% of the rank-and-file would like all officers to be armed. Constables were more in favour of routine arming than higher ranks.

This was an increase from the last survey – carried out 11 years ago – when 23% of federated officers said they would like to see routine arming.

Chair Zuleika Payne said her members wanted to preserve the historic model of “policing by consent”, and that members would prefer to see more Tasers than firearms.

She said South Yorkshire Police had been suffering from a shortage of armed officers, an issue which is not unique to her force. She went on to say that there should be increased support for those who carry out the role.

Home Office figures show there are currently 98 AFOs in South Yorkshire, and the force is now recruiting more following recent terrorist events on UK soil.

But the officers must know they will receive proper support if they are to sign up to become AFOs, Zuleika said.

She added: “We’ve had accounts from firearms officers up and down the country following major incidents and shootings, and post-incident it’s a really traumatic, stressful time for officers. I feel that the police service needs to support officers in those demanding, stressful and very specialist roles.

“We understand the need for the investigation and the involvement of the IPCC after a firearms incident. But there needs to be recognition that investigators are working with the benefit of hindsight, while officers are not. And we really need to support those officers involved, because it is incredibly stressful.

“We’re asking officers to volunteer for this role. People aren’t going to volunteer for it if, in the event of a shooting, they’re not going to receive the appropriate levels of support.”

A total of 27% of South Yorkshire Police Federation’s members responded to the survey.