South Yorkshire morale hits rock bottom

MOOD at South Yorkshire Police has hit rock bottom, a recent survey has shown, with a worrying 97% of frontline bobbies at the force saying their morale is low.

Results from a recent survey showed that the vast majority of officers are struggling at work as they turn up to duty in an overstretched and under-resourced force.

South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair Zuleika Payne said South Yorkshire Police officers are being hit doubly hard as they face a battering from the press over historic failings. Many of the officers currently serving, were not members of the organisation at the time some of these legacy issues took place.

She said: “Forces up and down the country have all experienced falling officer numbers and increasing demand. But what has further compounded our issues here in South Yorkshire are those legacy issues. Constant negativity, criticism in the media and very little praise – there are very few of the good news stories out there for public consumption.

“There’s been far too much negativity in the media and bad press for officers and that has an effect. It’s hard to find the resolve when you’re battling against it, working against a backdrop of bad press.

“The force can contribute, however, and it is important that communications demonstrate and highlight the good work which is carried out by officers on a daily basis that all too often gets overlooked. It’s important that we recognise and commend officers for the sterling work that they do.”

Police officers are also suffering following years of below-inflation pay rises and a lack of resourcing that has left them exhausted and burnt out. The force and the Federation are keen to improve welfare and wellbeing support for police officers, Zuleika stressed that officers who are struggling should seek help at the earliest opportunity.

She added: “Early intervention is key because a lot of officers are suffering from stress, depression and anxiety. Many are struggling to find the resolve to keep going because of falling officer numbers.”