Goodwill of police officers ‘abused by Government’

THE goodwill of police officers has been abused for too long – after years of sustained attacks on the police service by the Government.

That is the message from Zuleika Payne, Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation, who was looking ahead to the announcement of the upcoming police officer pay rise – originally due in July but now coming in September. 

The PFEW have asked the Government for 2.8%.

“Certainly, the proposal put forward by the Police Federation of England and Wales is not disproportionate and it’s certainly not unreasonable,” said Zuleika. “It has been incredibly frustrating that the decision was taken that the announcement of this would be delayed. It begs the question as to how much we are valued.”

“Recent events nationally, and in that I include the London and Manchester terrorist attacks – and the ensuing police response across the UK – illustrate what amazing work police officers and other emergency service workers do.

“And therefore a reward of 2.8% is not unreasonable when you consider these incidents and the general health and security of the country.

“When you consider that Police salaries in real terms have fallen 14.8% in the last 6 years, then 1% would be paltry, if that’s what we are awarded.”

Zuleika said for too long the service has relied upon the good will of our officers, with overtime charges mounting and officers losing out on a healthy work/life balance.

“The goodwill has run out, not because people don’t care about policing, police officers very much do, but they are absolutely burned out. They’re working to the point of exhaustion. That is not good for them and it’s certainly not good for the people that we’re trying to protect and serve.

“We’re trying to avoid the public losing out which is why the offer of overtime is made, just to keep general policing covered and to be able to respond to the incoming calls. The situation we are trying to avoid is the very people that we are trying to serve, suffering a detriment.”