Chiefs consider wider arming of police

CHIEF Constables are to consider “whether some currently unarmed police officers in key locations should be armed” as part of a “review of the national armed police response in light of the changing threat.”

At the quarterly meeting of Chief Constables Council, held in July, police leaders launched a review of both gun and Taser capability in England and Wales “looking at the risk to the public and our officers who are first on the scene.”

National Police Chiefs’ Council Lead for Armed Policing, Deputy Chief Constable Simon Chesterman, (pictured) said police leaders discussed the significant shift in the terror threat to the UK.

He said chief will “carefully consider whether there is a need to further increase the number of highly specialist officers working in armed response vehicles, whether some currently unarmed officers in key locations should be armed and more Tasers for front line officers.”

The review will be led by two NPCC committees: the operations committee led by Chief Constable Alec Wood and counter-terrorism led by Assistant Commissioner Mark Rowley.

The College of Policing also proposed it would consider changes to enable chief constables to provide their probationary officers with Taser training if they had a need to do so.

Chief Constable Alex Marshall, College of Policing CEO, said: “We consulted with forces and more than half told us that they do not anticipate ever having a requirement to train probationers to carry such devices. For the few forces who told us they do anticipate such a requirement, the College has agreed to look at the best way for this to happen and examine any potential for specials to be trained in this area.

“An example of the requirements that may have to be met by probationers include providing evidence of effective conflict management and decision making which is endorsed by their manager.

“Training in this area is among the best and most comprehensive in the world and we will continue to maintain these high standards so that the public and our officers are protected.”

Final approval for probationers or Special Constables to carry Taser will require the approval of the Home Secretary.