Christmas and New Year Message for Members from Steve Kent, Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation.

CHRISTMAS and New Year Message for Members from Steve Kent, Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation.

“I would like to wish all of our officers and their families a good Christmas and a Happy New Year.

“As always extra best wishes to those who are working over the period who may be away from their family doing their best to keep the public safe.

“2022 has been another tough year for policing with very high levels of demand coupled with the relentless unfair rhetoric about the culture in policing, which tarnishes the reputation of the overwhelming hard work and sacrifices our officers make due to the actions of the tiniest of minorities.

“This therefore has to be moment to try and focus on the fact that you all do a job like no other and a job that is actually appreciated by the majority of the public whose voices are sadly drowned out by the those with an axe to grind about policing or those who have a political agenda.

“It may sound like a cliché but you should be very proud of what you all do.

“Please take care and stay safe over the festive period.”