Man thanks PCs for “going out of their way” to help him

A MAN in crisis from Barnsley has personally thanked two officers who saved his life during a time of crisis.

The man, who has asked to remain nameless, praised PC Richard Bradley and PC Oliver Ingham for their care and support earlier this month.

The pair responded to a concern for welfare call when the man walked out of hospital.

He told the force: “The officers were completely upfront with me about why they were there, listened to me about what had happened without judgement and treated me with respect and care at all times.

“They tried getting me the correct help while they were with me and were open to me talking to them about anything if I needed to.”

The pair left being assured the man would get the help he needed, but later that day he harmed himself. Fortunately he was able to ask for help and phoned the two officers.

He added: “They came round and stayed with me until I got the correct help, which I am still receiving thanks to them pushing for me to get help sooner.

“I’d like to thank the two officers for listening, not judging and for what I feel is going out of their way to get me the help I need and the help that I am still receiving.”

Chief Superintendent Scott Green, Barnsley’s District Commander, said: “I am so pleased that this man accepted our help and is continuing to receive help today and I’d like to wish him well.

“Officers are taught many things but something you can’t teach is compassion and empathy, traits I’m proud to say our officers have and it’s cases like this that show just how important these qualities are when someone is in crisis.”