Police drivers encouraged to read and understand new legislation

POLICE drivers need to ensure they understand new legislation and the importance of compliance with the relevant driving refresher requirements.

From 30 November, police drivers have been afforded better protections under the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act.

Steve Kent, South Yorkshire Police Federation Chair, said: “Police officers need to always consider the risks they take when they are driving, but this new legislation sets the ball in motion for giving officers greater protection because, how can we have a situation, where police officers, who are out there having to catch bad guys, which the public would always expect us to do, be under the same level of scrutiny as Mrs Miggins driving down the road? It’s absolutely ridiculous.

“Our training has to be recognised, our skills have to be recognised, and the risks have to be accepted, because I’m sure if you did a straw poll of the public, the overwhelming majority of them would expect us to pursue bad people to bring them to justice.”

Steve said the changes were “long overdue” and that the previous status quo was “absolutely ludicrous”.

He added: “I’m an advanced driver myself. It is a very difficult 4-week course, which is by no means an automatic pass. If you’re not good enough, you don’t make the grade. So it is absolutely vital that that is recognised.”

Drivers have been asked to read a document to ensure they understand the changes: https://www.polfed.org/media/18121/driving-reg-2022-faqs.pdf