Chair: Why are forces still being asked to save money?

IF budgets are protected why are we being asked to save £1.3 million?

That was the message from Zuleika Payne, Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation, after hearing speeches from political parties at this year’s Police Federation of England and Wales Annual Conference.

Earlier this year South Yorkshire Police were told they would have to save a further £1.3 million – contradicting the belief of protected Police budgets.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd, appearing at the Police Federation of England and Wales’ Conference for the first time, heard of a service on its knees. She spent much time during her speech promoting Conservative Party policies and claiming cuts had not affected crime levels.

She also emphasised that the Tories had promised to protect the police budget between 2015 and 2019.

However Zuleika stated: “On behalf of the officers I represent in South Yorkshire and the people of this county, I don’t want anybody to be under this illusion that police budgets have been protected.

“It was only a couple of months ago I was involved in media interviews regarding the announcement that South Yorkshire Police had to save a further £1.3 million this financial year, so this notion of ‘protection’ holds absolutely no water with me whatsoever.”

Speaking about the conference in general, Zuleika added: “It feels like conference lite this year.” It’s shorter in duration, we’ve seen fewer delegates, smaller footfall and it doesn’t seem to have had the same vibe. That said, there have been some impressive speakers, in particular those who speak from the heart and tell it how it is.”