South Yorkshire signs up to MIND blue light programme

As part of our WellTogether programme, South Yorkshire Police has signed up to the Blue Light ‘Time to Change’ Pledge to further support our ongoing work around mental health.

Research suggests that one in three people will suffer from some form of mental health issue in their lifetime, and due to the challenging nature of our roles within the emergency services, mental health issues can affect anyone of us at any time.

The mental health of staff is as important to the organisation as their physical health, and we should all feel comfortable talking about mental health and encourage others in our workplace to do so.

Positive Wellbeing
By signing the pledge, a campaign by the mental health charity MIND, the force has committed to promoting positive wellbeing to help keep staff well for work and to ensure that everyone knows where to turn for support and advice.

About signing the pledge, Chief Constable Stephen Watson said: “The last few years have been a tough time for Blue light services and for South Yorkshire Police in particular. I am determined to do all I can to ensure that we all work together to stay healthy and safe.

“The best support is always provided by friends and colleagues and we need to make our working environment one where people can talk openly and are able to obtain the necessary help they need.”

Mental Health Champions
Supt Simon Verrall, the force strategic lead for mental health said: “As somebody who has experienced and recovered from poor mental health, signing the ‘Time to Change’ pledge reinforces South Yorkshire Police’s commitment to challenging the stigma that’s related to mental health.

“We are now keen to create a network of Blue Light Mental Health Champions across the force to help raise awareness of mental health problems and provide support to make it easier for people to talk about their mental health and wellbeing.”

MIND deliver the Blue Light Champion Programme for support for emergency services staff and volunteers.

If you are interested in becoming a Blue Light Champion for the force, look out for further information that will be published shortly about how to sign up locally.