Police Federation Conference 2017 is coming up

PROTECTING the Protectors, officer safety, mental health and wellbeing will all be on the agenda at the upcoming Police Federation of England and Wales Conference.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd, Shadow Home Secretary Diane Abbott, Police Minister Brandon Lewis and HM Chief Inspector of Constabulary Tom Winsor are all due to be on stage at the event in Birmingham on 16 and 17 May.

Zuleika Payne, Chair of South Yorkshire Police Federation, said: “This will be my first conference as a full-time Chair, but it’s also a new look conference as well. Unlike previous years where we’ve seen an agenda over a number of days this will be a two-day conference, so a condensed, more succinct version of conference.

“In that vein, it’s really important that the issues we discuss and debate are the key issues that directly impact upon the very officers that we represent.

“That’s what matters to officers most, so it’s important that in a very short timescale we actually debate and discuss the most relevant, pertinent issues that affect officers right at this moment in time.”

The need for better protection for officers assaulted in the course of their duties; for those who volunteer to carry firearms; and for those engaged in police response and pursuit driving will all be covered.

The conference will also feature the work the PFEW are doing in the areas of discipline, performance and improving overall officer welfare.

Zuleika added: “It’s really important that we have the exchange of views at conference, that we represent the views of our members, that we are the voice of our membership, but also that we hear from relevant speakers at our conference and more importantly they gain feedback and views from our officers.”